Virtual Briefing: “A New Algorithm Auditing Approach: The PPM Framework”

March 22, 2022
On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, the authors of the new PPM (Purpose, Process, and Monitoring) auditing framework along with leaders in algorithmic fairness will host a Virtual Briefing on the National Fair Housing Alliance’s (NFHA’s) new PPM framework. The key stages in algorithmic systems are pre-development, development, and post-development including monitoring and these stages are comprehensively covered in the novel PPM framework.
This virtual briefing will provide an overview of each stage of the PPM Framework, along with sections on the “Basics of AI and Machine Learning,” “The Landscape of AI Auditing,” and “AI Auditing as a Requirement for Fair Housing” to ensure the PPM framework is accessible and understandable to all. Additionally, there will be a 20-minute Q&A session at the end for questions from the audience. NFHA’s goal through this public briefing is first to ensure this framework reaches stakeholders who can implement the framework to result in a fairer unbiased world for all and second reach everyday consumers to gain a better understanding of the need for algorithmic fairness and how the PPM framework can result in fairer decisions made though algorithms in their daily lives.
A Virtual Briefing: PPM
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