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Reports & Research

From Policy to Practice: Essential Competencies for Federal Chief AI Officers

This report presents five policy recommendations centered on: Transparency of CAIO roles, Alignment Criteria, Development and Engagement initiatives, and Measures of Success to help federal agencies become more transparent in their implementation of Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, and the related Memorandum from the Office […]
Reports & Research

Unlocking Fairness in Mortgage Decisions: An AI Breakthrough

“Improving Mortgage Underwriting and Pricing Outcomes for Protected Classes Through Distribution Matching” — A Joint Study by the National Fair Housing Alliance and FairPlay AI Mortgage underwriting disparities for historically underserved groups remain essentially unchanged despite several decades of legislative and policy interventions to improve them. Now with artificial intelligence, including machine learning, poised to […]

Advocates call on top Democrats for $100B in housing investments (The Hill)

Advocates are calling on top Democratic lawmakers to allocate $100 billion for housing investments in the party’s multitrillion-dollar reconciliation bill. Three civil rights and fair housing groups penned a letter to top House and Senate Democrats on Monday, urging them to include the money in targeted first-generation down payment assistance in the $3.5 trillion bill to “take an initial step to reverse the harms of government-sponsored discrimination in the nation’s housing finance system.” Read more here.

Print PSAs

Housing Discrimination Unmasked Banner

Housing Discrimination Unmasked Banner

COVID-19 Sexual Harassment Banner

COVID-19 Sexual Harassment Banner

Video PSAs

Pre-Roll Video – Disaster Relief Flood 2020


Disparate Impact Rule

Background on this Issue In August 2019, HUD published a proposed rule that will drastically weaken the use of Disparate Impact theory in fair housing cases. Disparate Impact is a long-standing critical tool used to prevent housing discrimination. More than 45,000 comments were submitted opposing the administration’s proposal to dismantle Disparate Impact under the Fair […]